MB Konsulting
Crisis PR, CSR, Trainings

Cooperation with NGO has a positive influence on organizational climate

Together with Martyna Zak from the Institute of Fundraising we have conducted a series of interviews on NGOs and companies cooperation. We asked our friends working on both sides, in order to obtain a complete picture. What they pointed out was mainly focused on difficulty in understanding of each party expectations, problems in a day-to-day communication, but also on a great satisfaction when the cooperation was efficient and profitable.
My first interview is with Edyta March, my wonderful friend who worked for many years at the bank (where she was responsible for cooperation and communication with NGOs), and then she went to Colombia to take over coordination of volunteers in the Emerging Voices Foundation. Read more on my blog: http://fundrejzer.blogspot.com/2016/04/104-wspopraca-z-ngo-pozytywnie-wpywa-na.html