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Komunikacja po #koronawirus’ie


Nowa sytuacja związana z pandemią zaskoczyła wszystkich bez wyjątku graczy rynkowych. Prawdopodobnie nikt nigdy nie zastanawiał się, co w takiej sytuacji można zrobić, bo nikt nigdy nie spodziewał się takiego kryzysu.

Wszyscy zostaliśmy zmuszeni do natychmiastowego dostosowania się do nowych warunków rynkowych, które nadal się zmieniają w miarę rozwoju zagrożenia.

Co będzie za kilka miesięcy?

Które marki zaliczyły „eko-kryzys” w mediach w 2019 r.? Wybór subiektywny.


2019 rok nie różnił się bardzo od poprzednich lat w kwestii sytuacji kryzysowych, które przytrafiały się różnym firmom, markom, instytucjom czy znanym osobom. Ja chciałam przypomnieć te kryzysy marek, które odnosiły się do ekologii i środowiska. Było ich w ub. roku kilka i warto je myślę przypomnieć „ku przestrodze”.

Zarządzanie sytuacją kryzysową w firmach farmaceutycznych


Farmacja należy do tych branż przemysłu, które charakteryzują się wysokim prawdopodobieństwem kryzysu wizerunkowego. Z racji dostarczania produktu, który ma wpływ na zdrowie i życie ludzi, jest stale poddawana ocenom, testom, kolejnym regulacjom.

Cooperation with NGO has a positive influence on organizational climate

Together with Martyna Zak from the Institute of Fundraising we have conducted a series of interviews on NGOs and companies cooperation. We asked our friends working on both sides, in order to obtain a complete picture. What they pointed out was mainly focused on difficulty in understanding of each party expectations, problems in a day-to-day communication, but also on a great satisfaction when the cooperation was efficient and profitable. My first interview is with Edyta March, my wonderful friend who worked for many years at the bank (where she was responsible for cooperation and communication with NGOs), and then she went to Colombia to take over coordination of volunteers in the Emerging Voices Foundation.

Corporate volunteering on the other continent

Working for Emerging Voices Foundation in Colombia I've got once a request from US to organize a volunteering program for 16 doctors. Voluneering experience they planned, had to be not only a holiday trip, but also an opportunity to revise their medical skills in different conditions and to get in touch with other culture. Here are some advices, how to plan that kind of volunteering in exoctic countries, both, for you and for your employees.

4 reasons why you should consider starting a corporate foundation

One of the most compelling reasons for a business to become involved in corporate philanthropy is because it is ultimately in their own best interest. Without healthy communities, healthy companies simply can not exist. Making corporate giving and CSR a top priority builds strong ties with the community and ensures that the company is not operating in isolation. For larger businesses that are active participants in philanthropic activities, corporate foundations are a good approach to organizing and managing such initiatives.

Do consumers care about corporate social responsibility?

I often hear this question from small or medium-sized companies that want to start their CSR activities. Big companies, operating locally or on a global scale, do not ask such questions, because - like Niall FitzGerald, former Unilever CEO, said - "Corporate social responsibility is a hard-edged business decision. Not because it is a nice thing to do or because people are forcing us to do it… because it is good for our business".

“Charity” on holiday

More and more tour operators offer during trips to exotic countries in South America, Asia or Africa, visiting local communities in villages or special institutions (eg. orphanages) to support charity. Travelers are informed before departure that it will be possible to give donations or funds. Of course, the decision is up to the person. Read more on http://fundrejzer.blogspot.com/ (for another language version than Polish use Google Translate app)

5 ways to start CSR program in your company

Today, thanks to a 24/7 digital connection between consumer and company, empowered consumers are demanding more from the corporate world. Companies are responding in a variety of different ways as they operate in this new landscape where they are expected to be more transparent, communicative and hands-on in trying to make the world a better place. Read more on http://fundrejzer.blogspot.com/ (for another language version than Polish use Google Translate app)